The Sophia Mystery School
“Michelle’s skills as a Business Coach have earned her a spot on the Coach Foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.”
Michelle Lee an intuitive mother provides her wisdom, experience, and intuitive gifts to The Sophia Mystery School for Extraordinary People
Michelle Lee is spiritual mentor and healer to powerful women leaders, CEOs, and executives who are ready to harness their full potential by accessing and activating the unrecognized power of their unconscious mind to create their deeply satisfying, fulfilling, and successful life.
Serving in the field of personal and spiritual development for over 27 years Michelle is a highly sought after expert, speaker, and published author in the fields of women’s empowerment, spiritual awakening, shadow integration and plant medicine.
Michelle is the co-founder of The Sophia Mystery School for Extraordinary People. She’s an Intuitive Spiritual Mentor and started on her soul’s path of empowering women by helping them to reclaim their power in the birthing experience 27 years ago. She’s a mystic, psychic and a direct conduit of the Divine Feminine. Michelle understands deeply that for humanity to thrive, women must thrive.
Michelle’s Soul’s purpose and mission is to transform the female experience on Earth by helping women realize their full-potential, value and authenticity. Her clients skyrocket their self-worth, confidence, financial freedom, fulfillment, power and success. Women working with Michelle learn to access, trust and follow their inner wisdom to create the life that feeds their soul.
Michelle is the author of Fall in Love…with your Self hypnotic journey mp3 and the creator of countless weekend workshops including “Mind Magic” and “Self-Love: How to Get There from Here” and most recently her book, From Profit to Power: Your Guide to Claiming YOUR Worth.
You can reach Michelle at